
Archive for August 11th, 2009|Daily archive page

The real thing: champagne

In Spirits on August 11, 2009 at 3:25 pm

liquor storeYesterday I finished up a mini-binder for my friend TL who is vacationing in New England this week. While putting together directions, maps and coupons to my favourite stores and restaurants, I happened upon the website for the New Hampshire Liquor Commission. NH holds a special place in all shoppers hearts because of its lack of sales tax, but equally so for the affordable, brightly painted state run liquor stores right on the I95 which we affectionately call “The Liquor Barn”. It was here that I was able to buy creme de cassis (currently unavailable in NB) to make my kir royales for the low, low price of $8.95.

veuve-clicquotDuring that same trip, I noticed a large display of Veuve Cliquot for well over half the price we pay here in NB. Veuve is the only real champagne I’ve ever had and it is well worth the price. The creme de cassis won out on that trip, but I’m so tempted the next time to buy two bottles of veuve, one for the hotel stay and one to bring home.  Veuve is a Pinot Noir and Chardonnay blend in about a  2:1 ratio.  It is best served very cold, between 6-8°C and once opened should be consumed that day as the carbon dioxide prevents it from keeping its bubbles.  That never seems to be a problem with us, as Veuve makes its appearance around here on New Year’s Eve.